The Struggle

David is from Nigeria.

Nigeria (Africa)

He is from the Yoruba speaking tribe of West Africa.

His life is a struggle.

His father died when he was young leaving him responsible
to WORK hard and take care of his family.
He didn't get to go to college and get a good education so he works at whatever he can
but in Nigeria this does NOT a good living make.
They don't live here in Canada where we have health care systems
and free schooling for our children.
To be educated requires MONEY and to earn that requires an education.
He has had to leave his country and WORK and LIVE far away from his wife and children
(which we should all know and understand is lonely and difficult) to earn enough money to get an education for his children and save enough to build a future for his whole family.

I don't think it is fair or RIGHT that a father has to sacrifice so much and MISS so much
of his children's lives just to make ends meet.
Let's face it...he's not going to become a millionaire by doing this.
He is only going to be able to earn a BEGINNING and
STILL have to continue working hard to KEEP it going! 
Knowing him and the struggles he goes through reminds me often how lucky I am
to live HERE in Canada and how easy we really have life!
I want more than anything to help David and his family come to Canada
and have all the benefits that we have because I think they DESERVE it
and I'm hoping this blog will inspire YOU to help US make their dreams come true!

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