Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I think we all know that the MOMENTS are what we live for.
Every moment of life is NOT the best moment because we all have daily tasks to endure that we don't necessarily love but the monotony is broken up with small, breathtaking moments that make life worth every endurance.
WE are fighting for those moments.
At the moment we share moments with each other from far away, through an internet connection, through words printed on a screen and while they are still SHARED and BEAUTIFUL there is still something missing.
Even while I know I have "made a funny" and made David laugh...I don't HEAR it because he is not here with me and I don't SEE it or the twinkle in his eye because he isn't HERE sitting next to me.
If I threaten to pinch him for being too sleepy and not paying attention, I can't ACTUALLY do it because he is FAR, FAR away on another continent.
Even though I can see his children in pictures, and how beautiful they are I can't watch them play with my son or listen to them all laughing together because they are NOT here with me.
If I want to HUG them, which is a MOMENT I truly wish for, I CAN'T because none of them are HERE!
There are so many things that could make our friendships stronger and better if they were here to share life with me and my family and those are the moments I wish for, hope for, fight for, WRITE for.
Help me make our dreams come true!

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