Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Plea

I have no idea if this is going to work. I have no idea if anyone will care.
What I DO have is HOPE. I hope that my plea will reach the minds and hearts and ears that it needs to and that they will feel and follow the need to help.
When I began talking to people on the internet I had an intention.
I found all sorts of people from all sorts of places but my intention never wavered.
My intention was to make friends with people from other parts of the world with an open heart and mind and to listen and learn from them so that one day when and if I ever get to TRAVEL I would have places to go and friendly faces to see when I get there.
I have found many lovely people and many, many beautiful friendships. The thing is that next you want to MEET in reality and share the things that we all share in our daily lives and families and friendships. That isn't always possible. Usually because MONEY is a big obstacle.
I know there are people who HAVE money and they have so much they don't know what to do with it. I also think they WOULD want to help if they knew they were actually helping a person individually or a family. So I HOPE that my friend's story and the pain and separation he and his family go through will touch someone else and move them to help.
If your answer is who am I to him and who am I to tell his story? The answer is to be found in this blog. Please read it all and come to your own conclusion.
If your next question is who are you to tell me anything or ask me anything...I don't know you are trustworthy. My answer to that is...read any blog I have...I have many. Google me. You can google Dawn Bissonette or FatCatMomma though I do have various other names too. Those two will give  you most of the info you might be looking for. I'm just me. Just a girl with a big heart and I'm an open book. I don't have secrets and I don't hide.
You can judge for yourself if you think I'm gullible or naive or if I'm just the kind of person who will go out on a limb for her friends. I know I wouldn't do this for everyone but I also know my soul doesn't speak so LOUDLY to me about every other person I meet.
This time it tells me to believe in something, commit to it and follow it through.
I don't know if it is right or wrong. I only know I have to try.
So I'm asking if you feel anything in response to the whole blog and all the information we've shared and you want to help make ONE family make their dream come true feel free to donate by clicking the button at the top right of the page. Any amount will be appreciated very much and thank you.

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